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Who We Are          


We are the Harris Family and we like to dream big! We are always coming up with new ideas and then see where they take us. This site will allow you to join us on our journey as we grow and add businesses and ministries.


From Land Clearing, to Brush Mowing and Underbrush Removal, to Gravel Driveways, and Parking Pads for your boats, rv's and other big toys, to bush hogging, and pasture mowing, land grading, Pond Embankment Cleanups, Fire Breaks and Fence Line Improvements and other property services, Harris Establishment, can help you achieve your dreams for your property.  


Thanks for joining us!

Contact Info:

Lawns@harrisestablishment.comLocation: Melbourne,  Florida - Serving: All of Central Florida - Call: 321-987-2523






Heavy Brush Mowing / Forestry Mulching


Forestry Mulching uses a drum or rotary style machine with fixed claw teeth to chip away at woody brush and small trees.  This style of brush clearing is economical, great for the environment, and efficient.  This type of machine is great for clearing land, brush, lots, overgrown woods, and invasive species.  Typically we will bring this machine to properties that want to preserve their tree canopy.  It produces a park like finish in the end.

Our Services

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Deer Run 2020 father son lots after

Heavy Brush Mowing and Brush Clearing

With the disc operated brush mower, we can mow down upwards to 6" in diameter trees, brush and tall grass.  If lots have been cleared at one point in recent history but were left neglected for a few years, then this is the machine we need to bring out.  It is more efficient than a forestry mulcher but does not produce the finer mulch finish as the drum mulcher does.  For customers on a budget or simply have a large parcel that was cleared at one point and is not as dense as un-touched land, then this machine may be right for you.


FM Before Tom.jpg
FM After Tom.jpg

Heavy Duty Bush Hogging

For fields or acreage that has grass 4 feet tall or less and the woody material is less than 3" inches in diameter, then our rough cut brush hog is perfect for you.  This machine is a bit more affordable as it can mow upwards to 7 acres and hour.  The heavy duty gear driven spindle allows this bush hog to handle more than the average brush mower out there.  Most brush hogs are rated up to 2", but with ours, we are able to mow down lots that have been severely neglected.  This is a rough cut machine, ready to handle your demanding tasks. 

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Canal and Pond Banks Mowing

For the hard to reach places like pond banks, canal slopes, levees, fence lines, or edges of water ways, we stand ready with our Excavator mounted brush cutter.  This mulcher is capable of handling anything from grass upwards to 8" diameter minus material.  The excavator is also useful for lots that need some demolition, ground work, or ditching.

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Gravel Driveways and Parking Lots

We have installed parking pads and gravel driveways from 300 square feet to 30,000 sq feet.  From asphalt millings to crushed recycled concrete to limestone or #57, we have the right material to lay your easy to maintain, much cheaper than concrete or paved asphalt, long lasting driveway and parking pads.

Fairpointe Rd Asphalt Millings 2020 Duri
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Fairpointe Rd Asphalt Millings 2020 Afte
Commercial Job 2020 After half rolled 2.
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So Much More -The World Is Your Oyster, We Can Help Discover the Pearl Inside

Your property is similar to a painter's canvas.  What do you want to do?  Dream, it's ok.  Want a small farm pond stocked with some fish?  Do you want a park in your back yard?  Do want your water ways cleaned up and maintained?  Need some parking for that toy of yours?  If we can't help, we may be able to point you in the right direction.  Our property was a disaster when we bought it several years ago.  Over the years we have dreamed and began to work on it, this inspired my family to want to help your family achieve your property dreams.  This is how Harris Establishment, Inc. was born.  Below is a journal of our experience on our land.  Everything you see can be done by us.

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